Monday, April 20, 2009

The Beaded Flame!

A friend of mine from Nero asked me to bead a patch for her character based off of a drawing she made of a double 'flame' made with fire and ice.. was happy to oblige! My creative process went a little something like this:

1)Knowing full well that I can't draw worth anything, I took the picture and turned it into an iron-on transfer. I used this transfer to iron the picture onto a piece of Lacy's Stiff Stuff.

2) Normally I would start the fill-in on an item before I did the outline but, after I started to fill in the 'Ice', I realized that I was going to need to outline in order to confine the space. I used 15's on the outline, and a combination of 11's and 15's to fill in the space.
3) After filling in entirely I cut out the flame and glued it to a piece of black Microsuede. I prefer E6000 as my adhesive of choice for beadwork.

4) Once the glue was dry, I used 15's to edge the piece. There were a few 'white' spots on the edges, so I filled them in with a black Sharpie marker. I like the ones with the fine tip on one end, and the ultra-fine tip on the other end so that I can get into small places. After I finished 'painting' the white spots, I was done! I hope you like it!

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